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Cristine Varney | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> my midnight garden tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

my midnight garden

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when I wish upon a star...
when I wish upon a star...
Now Presenting Center Stage...Miss Gypsy Rose Tree
Now Presenting Center Stage...Miss Gypsy Rose Tree
dancing in the dark...
dancing in the dark...
moonlight becomes you...
moonlight becomes you...
look at it this way..grin
look at it this way..grin
the seduction of shadows...
the seduction of shadows...
Today, of all days, I wish you love...
Today, of all days, I wish you love...
the piety of flowers...
the piety of flowers...
Halloween casualty
Halloween casualty
 goblins on parade..
goblins on parade..
as a velvet cloak...
as a velvet cloak...
hush! ..make not a sound
hush! ..make not a sound
hush!  v2 (could not make up my mind)
hush! v2 (could not make up my mind)
the prisoner of the fence...
the prisoner of the fence...
...lost to the night
...lost to the night
...they only bloom at night
...they only bloom at night
Everyone...Let's Samba !!
Everyone...Let's Samba !!
Rita was mystified...
Rita was mystified...
in dreams, each night...
in dreams, each night...
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