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Cristine Varney | all galleries >> Galleries >> my midnight garden > the prisoner of the fence...
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the prisoner of the fence...

do you see what I see ?
Are there trapped souls living in my backyard fence?
I just shot this about a half hour ago... Spooky, yes?
Too bad I missed Halloween... Honest to God..I didn't
add ps bs...

Please tell me you see what I see..well; only if you do ;)

Nikon D70
1s f/3.8 at 25.0mm with Flash full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Cristine Varney04-Aug-2006 04:25
You see much more, my friend, than I originally did. My eyes were riveted at first by the square on gaze of a man's very intense eyes; primarily one eye, and it is just below the little winding vine..
Then there is a woman's eye to the side of his..stage left.... The more one looks, the
more they appear and then receed..the spirits in my fence.
When I was shooting this that evening, all I saw was the man. It wasn't until the image
was downloaded that the presence of the others was made known. After seeing it
the next day, I went back to find them all...I think they are now camera shy, and didn't
like my putting them on the internet @;)...
Cristine Varney06-Nov-2005 20:52
As it is 75 right now and all my flowers are a'bloom... I think Prisoner's Dream
fits perfectly..and is so poetic !

Hugs for your sweet self dear friend %; )x0x
Marie-Hélène Raletz06-Nov-2005 06:04
I see all good, no evil in your Midnight Garden... :)))
... a promise of Spring?
... a prisoner's dream?
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