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Jennifer Zhou | all galleries >> Galleries >> Cityscape > Rooftops, Shanghai, China, 2004
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Rooftops, Shanghai, China, 2004

In Shanghai, new highrises appear daily. These old houses may someday have to make way for them, but for now, the lines of hanging laundry still speak of life and vitality.

Canon EOS 10D ,Canon EF 70-200mm f/4L USM
1/500s f/5.6 at 200.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
nomada10-Dec-2005 13:37
Flying Dutchman04-Oct-2005 01:07
Very interesting shot... emtpy and also filled with life at the same moment... nice!
Guest 12-Jan-2005 09:18
Though a curious geometrical and caotical image I think that is is saved by two key features for me as are the interest points of the clothing hanging out of the window and the small air conditioning in one of the buildings, specialy the first one. What is good thoug is that these interest points don't distract the whole caos of the image and they give it enough meening too.
Guest 02-Oct-2004 16:16
Phil Douglis02-Oct-2004 05:26
Phil Douglis25-Sep-2004 06:44
This photo of yours was among the last of your images I saw just before my trip to Europe, Jen. It obviously must have lodged somewhere in my memory that day in Lisbon I made the image I link you to below. I made this photo only moments before making "Lost in Time" from the same tower.

Thank you, Jen, for the unconscious inspiration!
Phil Douglis13-Aug-2004 05:59
An evocative cityscape, brought to life by the colors and scale incongruity offered by the laundry. I used a similar concept in a shot I made in Valparaiso, Chile. You can see it at:
John Glines11-Aug-2004 13:50
Wonderful composition!
Guest 12-Mar-2004 05:51
Very classy.
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