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Dan Greenberg | all galleries >> Car Art, etc. (38 Galleries) >> Car Art - Ornamentia > 1940 DeSoto
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14-Oct-2024 Dan Greenberg

1940 DeSoto

Ravanna, KS

Best viewed at original size.

Olympus OM-D E-M1 Mark III ,Helios 44M-4 MC 2/58 ,M. Zhongyi Turbo Adapter
1/8000s f/2.0 at 42.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Graeme15-Nov-2024 16:55
A great shot of this bonnet ornament.V
pkocinski12-Nov-2024 12:15
Interesting that the hood ornament looks brand new...
Dennis Hoyne12-Nov-2024 04:41
Beautiful lines on this hood ornament. So nicely photographed.
Dan Opdal12-Nov-2024 01:13
Wonderful use of depth of field. Great shot! V