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Dan Greenberg | profile | all galleries >> Car Art, etc. (38 Galleries) >> Car Art - Ornamentia tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Car Art - Ornamentia

Photographs of Hood Ornaments, Emblems and other automotive details in all their shiny glory. The newest images are at the beginning.

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1948 Pontiac
1948 Pontiac
1936 Chevy
1936 Chevy
1935 Pontiac
1935 Pontiac
1940 DeSoto
1940 DeSoto
1939 Pontiac
1939 Pontiac
1940 Packard
1940 Packard
1956 Mercury
1956 Mercury
1924 Franklin
1924 Franklin
1951-53 Dodge
1951-53 Dodge
1936 DeSoto Airstream
1936 DeSoto Airstream
1936 Auburn 852 Boattail Speedster
1936 Auburn 852 Boattail Speedster
1934 Pontiac
1934 Pontiac
1951 Mercury
1951 Mercury
1951 Mercury
1951 Mercury
1956 Plymouth
1956 Plymouth
1952 Chrysler
1952 Chrysler
1956 Ford
1956 Ford
DeSoto Ornament, Hudson Terraplane Grill
DeSoto Ornament, Hudson Terraplane Grill
1939 Pontiac
1939 Pontiac
1940 DeSoto
1940 DeSoto
1934 Ford
1934 Ford
1934 Plymouth
1934 Plymouth
1950 Pontiac
1950 Pontiac
1949 Hudson Commodore
1949 Hudson Commodore
1937 Cadillac
1937 Cadillac
1941 Buick
1941 Buick
1937 Nash
1937 Nash
1939 LaSalle Series 62
1939 LaSalle Series 62
1935 Studebaker
1935 Studebaker
1947-48 Kaiser
1947-48 Kaiser
1947 Pontiac
1947 Pontiac
1939 Diamond T Truck
1939 Diamond T Truck
1932  Dodge
1932 Dodge
1953 Plymouth Cranbrook
1953 Plymouth Cranbrook
1933 Plymouth
1933 Plymouth
Packard Ornament on 1937 Chevy Truck
Packard Ornament on 1937 Chevy Truck
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