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08-Sep-2014 Vern Rogers (fotabug fotos)

Belladonna Lily

In our yard in town, we had a gorgeous flower that sprang up suddenly and bloomed every year after that. It is the Belladonna Lily (nicknamed 'Naked Lady'). I think it was planted in past years by the previous owners. To me, it is one of the most beautiful of all flowers, which were put here for us to enjoy. I treasure this lovely specimen of the Belladonna.

I love to capture subjects in dramatic lighting when when photographing, if that is possible.

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Tom LeRoy28-Jul-2024 08:21
That's a real beauty, superb capture. V
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography22-Jul-2024 20:05
Marvelous image - beauty and perfection, Vote.
Bea.22-Jul-2024 01:27
So beautiful Vern, in perfect light.
Laura Milholland21-Jul-2024 22:37
I can see why this flower is a treasure to you. Your photo is indeed a treasure as well! So beautifully shot, Vern. Thanks for sharing this beauty with us. V
Allan Jay21-Jul-2024 18:36
Gorgeous tones & so creative,
Vern! VVV
Rick 20-Jul-2024 18:29
Fantastic flower and well captured
Apostolos Tikopoulos20-Jul-2024 16:18
Wonderful macro and beautiful colors. V
parrothouse19-Jul-2024 23:33
Very beautiful with great color and light.
Julie Oldfield19-Jul-2024 12:53
Outstanding!! V
Nick Paoni18-Jul-2024 17:20
Terrific light and details and it shows so well against that black background.
Danad18-Jul-2024 09:34
A beauty !
Eloine 18-Jul-2024 07:03
Such a gift this flower. I view it as a good sign of nice things to come.
Syndee Rogers 18-Jul-2024 06:15
joseantonio18-Jul-2024 03:21
nice capture of those amazing colors.V.
Jack Hoying18-Jul-2024 01:50
Sure is a beautifully photographed bloom!!
waterfalls man18-Jul-2024 00:25
Excellent Capture V!!
Steve Thuman17-Jul-2024 22:00
Helen Betts17-Jul-2024 21:25
Excellent capture of this gorgeous flower. V.
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