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joseantonio | all galleries >> Galleries >> COSTA BRAVA 2022/23 > Castelló d´Empúries. Basilica de Santa Maria
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Castelló d´Empúries. Basilica de Santa Maria

This is a large Gothic building known as the “cathedral of Empordà”. Its altarpiece is considered a unique work in Catalonia and one of the most important examples of Catalan Gothic sculpture in the second half of the 15th century. Building began in 1285 in a gothic style, although it was not dedicated until 1484, on the same site as an old chapel had been documented since the 10th century.The neo-gothic façade was not completed until 1905. It houses the outstanding remains of XIVth century murals a large range of gargoyles and sculptures on the upper part of the basilica. It is also home to the Carrara marble sculpture collection of the taking Christ from the cross produced in the crypt by the modernist sculptor Josep Llimona, as well as the independent Gothic bell tower which is an octagonal tower made of two sections.The silhouette of this bell tower is the most characteristic image of the town.

Canon EOS 90D
1/500s f/7.1 at 18.0mm iso200 full exif

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Liz Bickel27-Oct-2023 09:35
Very interesting photo and history.
marie-jose wolff26-Oct-2023 21:20
an imposing basilica, the portal is superbly adorned! V
Pierre Martin26-Oct-2023 21:19
look very beautiful and grat that arche , splendid picture!
Tom Munson26-Oct-2023 21:18
Terrific capture and commentary, Jose.
Ronny Van Eeckhoutte26-Oct-2023 21:13
This image is beautiful, taken with measure and balance. Congratulations
Fabienne26-Oct-2023 20:32
Cette basilique est imposante avec ses vieilles pierres et son architecture typée.
Nick Paoni26-Oct-2023 20:28
Love the old architecture.
Pieter Bos26-Oct-2023 19:16
Impressive, massive building. ~V
Walter Otto Koenig26-Oct-2023 18:22
Nice view of this old church. "V"
Helen Betts26-Oct-2023 18:08
Fine view of this beautiful church. V.
Ursula Miller26-Oct-2023 17:54
Fine capture of an impressive building. V
Julie Oldfield26-Oct-2023 17:08
It looks lovely and it has incredible history. V
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