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Roses. Port

Roses harbour is located at the far east of the Roses bay, at the start of the Creus cape and a few metres from the town. It provides good protection from the winds, which in this area may blow very strongly.It was originally a fishing harbour, but over time the marina area has gradually become more important, particularly after the extension and refurbishment work in 2004. The entrance channel is very wide, at 70 metres and a depth of 9 metres. The depth of the harbour ranges from 3 and 6 metres.
The marina dock is in the northern part of the harbour facilities. It has 483 moorings for crafts of up to 45 metres long, 110 of which are for visitors. The berths are equipped with water, electricity and Wi-Fi connection.

Canon EOS 90D
1/1000s f/6.3 at 18.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Claude Rochette31-Oct-2023 00:53
Une belle capture où le ciel et l'eau se marie parfaitement.
Fabienne26-Oct-2023 20:34
Superbe image avec ce ciel bleu et l’eau si limpide.
Julie Oldfield26-Oct-2023 17:09
That is awesome! It’s like they are suspended in air. V
Jeff Real26-Oct-2023 15:39
This is very inspiring work!
francoisconstantin26-Oct-2023 14:25
Always beautiful with these reflections!!
Ursula Miller26-Oct-2023 13:21
A wonderful composition with all the reflections. V
John Reynolds LRPS26-Oct-2023 11:54
A peaceful scene with such still water. V.
Ton, Ben & Rob Nagtegaal26-Oct-2023 06:32
Fantastic shot and reflections.
KAI-WING LEUNG26-Oct-2023 04:28
Beautiful colors & reflections. V
Bryan Murahashi26-Oct-2023 04:20
Beautiful still reflections.
Helen Betts26-Oct-2023 03:58
Love the vivid colors and the mirror reflections. V.
Dennis Hoyne26-Oct-2023 03:43
A lovely collection of boats.
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