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joseantonio | all galleries >> Galleries >> COSTA BRAVA 2022/23 > Roses. Platja de la Punta
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Roses. Platja de la Punta

Platja de La Punta
The La Punta beach is right in Roses town centre. It is a 550-metre beach with very fine-grain sand and shallow and transparent water, ideal for families. It runs from the fishing port to the mouth of the Ginjolers stream.

Canon EOS 90D
1/250s f/13.0 at 22.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Frank Gines30-Oct-2023 23:50
Love this view! so nice.V
Julie Oldfield28-Oct-2023 23:35
Wonderful framing. V
Carl Carbone28-Oct-2023 13:52
Great view of this shoreline.
Tom LeRoy27-Oct-2023 19:24
Fantastic framing, Jose. v
janescottcumming27-Oct-2023 13:05
Very nice framing for this pretty view.
Ton, Ben & Rob Nagtegaal27-Oct-2023 10:50
Beautiful capture and view.
Helen Betts27-Oct-2023 04:04
Great framing for this lovely view. V.
Bryan Murahashi27-Oct-2023 02:54
Beautiful view.
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