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Olympus DSLR Challenge | all galleries >> Olympus E-SLR Challenge Galleries >> C140 _Into the Night_ by ArtP >> C140 Competition > edit image
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27-AUG-2010 ArtP

Cold Furs -ArtP
by ArtP

Huntington village

Light by streetlight (w a touch of moonlight)

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Brad 07-Sep-2010 21:47
Looks like an Edward Hopper painting, great lighting, Art
Guest 05-Sep-2010 22:05
This shot really works well with the faded paintwork of the sign and the blind window and doorway
Olympus DSLR Challenge04-Sep-2010 15:38
I like the lighting - it has a feeling of something bad about to happen. You have to train your dog to get into a shot like this - would give it a good lift (even yourself on a timer).
