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03-SEP-2010 Shirley Haden

by Shirley Haden

Marv say's "3rd and Main"

Olympus E-520
1/50s f/2.0 at 50.0mm iso100 full exif

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Brad 07-Sep-2010 22:21
looks like a Broadway play set design
Guest 05-Sep-2010 22:42
Wow, really punchy graphic image
Shirley Haden05-Sep-2010 03:19
Thanks, it is over at the shopping center area here. The facades of all the buildings are nice to see and I have no idea if those windows are real or fake but they are always lit up at night.
Olympus DSLR Challenge04-Sep-2010 15:34
perfect graphic shirley.

ArtP04-Sep-2010 13:51
I lke the boldness of this one