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Olympus DSLR Challenge | profile | all galleries >> Olympus E-SLR Challenge Galleries >> C140 _Into the Night_ by ArtP >> edit this gallery tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

C140 Competition | C140 Exhibition | C140 Originals

C140 Competition

This gallery is for images that fit the theme, taken by you with an Olympus dSLR camera during the entry period.

You can enter up to 3 images in this gallery.

Images: 800 pixels and 200kB (+10%) max (see Rules on Entering Images);
Photoshop 'Save As' to keep EXIF data, try image quality 8 or less;
'Save As' preview file size is only an estimate, so please check file size after saving.

Include image name and your name in the title
eg My Ranch by JR Ewing.

Include EXIF data (or text) to show image date and camera make/model (and basic camera settings).

The winner of voting for this gallery will be the Moderator for the next Challenge.

Any image with a title that starts with '+ ' contains a related image in its caption and/or the Originals Gallery.
1st - c140 Into the night - third avenue bridge - brent
1st - c140 Into the night - third avenue bridge - brent
2nd - Emergence - Colin
2nd - Emergence - Colin
3rd - Unaware - Stefan
3rd - Unaware - Stefan
4th - After the rain - Kleivis
4th - After the rain - Kleivis
by kleivis
5th - Feeling Small-Shirley
5th - Feeling Small-Shirley
by Shirley Haden
Into the Night (by Train) - atw
Into the Night (by Train) - atw
Bryggen by night - Kleivis
Bryggen by night - Kleivis
by kleivis
Cold Furs  -ArtP
Cold Furs -ArtP
by ArtP
by Shirley Haden
Sailing into the night.-  Goffen
Sailing into the night.- Goffen
a dam good source of power - brenda
a dam good source of power - brenda
night in the garden - brenda
night in the garden - brenda
house and Cat- Catman
house and Cat- Catman
Cavalia - FrankNG
Cavalia - FrankNG
Oill fill -ArtP
Oill fill -ArtP
by ArtP
A car with a damaged light - by endika
A car with a damaged light - by endika
Old door, new tech - by endika
Old door, new tech - by endika
Plaça de la Vila de Gràcia - by endika
Plaça de la Vila de Gràcia - by endika
KIBUKA by Marimontse
KIBUKA by Marimontse
Store by Marimontse
Store by Marimontse
lobster traps on the wharf - brenda
lobster traps on the wharf - brenda
At the Harbor 1 - Stefan
At the Harbor 1 - Stefan
At the Harbor 2 - Stefan
At the Harbor 2 - Stefan
Gently into the night - Goffen
Gently into the night - Goffen
South west night sky - Catman
South west night sky - Catman
night harvest - John
night harvest - John
Night life -ArtP
Night life -ArtP
by ArtP
End of the harvest - John
End of the harvest - John
Into the Night - Damian
Into the Night - Damian
Minneapolis - brent
Minneapolis - brent
night light - brent
night light - brent
Starlight Starbright-Shirley
Starlight Starbright-Shirley
by Shirley Haden
fire circle - Catman
fire circle - Catman
The fountain - Kleivis
The fountain - Kleivis
by kleivis
Safely into the night - Goffen
Safely into the night - Goffen
Into The Dawn - CB
Into The Dawn - CB
by Collin Baxter
Into the Night (by Bike) - atw
Into the Night (by Bike) - atw
Into the Night (by Car) - atw
Into the Night (by Car) - atw
Night Light - Brad
Night Light - Brad
Only the Shadow Knows- Brad
Only the Shadow Knows- Brad
Night fishing - BarryRS
Night fishing - BarryRS
Gallery is Closed - Do Not Vote
Gallery is Closed - Do Not Vote
by ArtP
Place Holder - Do Not Vote
Place Holder - Do Not Vote
by ArtP