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Fay Stout | all galleries >> Galleries >> PAD > 5 * Restaurant in a Gas Station!
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5 * Restaurant in a Gas Station!

The story goes that the chef was unable to borrow money to open a restaurant but was able to borrow money to buy a gas station. So... he bought the gas station and put a restaurant in the gas station. Word spread about the good food and The Chef Point Cafe was visited by Guy Fieri from the Food Network on "Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives". Get there early because there is a line waiting to get in. The menu is extensive... the food is excellent... and plenty of it! Bon Appetit! Want to see more...

Canon PowerShot SX200 IS
1/640s f/3.4 at 5.0mm iso160 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
laine28-Jul-2009 21:09
Great success story...I think the line's gonna get longer now :)
Guest 28-Jul-2009 15:19
Love this, never knew about it.
Carol Rollins28-Jul-2009 12:39
What a wonderful story Fay!!
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