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Fay Stout | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> PAD tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


Hmmmm... a photo a day. Definitely a challenge when you work 12 hour shifts, but I will give it a go.

OK... so this has now become a gallery of a photo when I can.
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g1/40/855740/3/115867563.qqg6FonX.jpg In the weeds...
In the weeds...
Woman of the world?
Woman of the world?
Salt and Pepper
Salt and Pepper
Puggy  love...
Puggy love...
Ms. Bailey sure does like corn-on-the-cob!
Ms. Bailey sure does like corn-on-the-cob!
5 * Restaurant in a Gas Station!
5 * Restaurant in a Gas Station!
Day is done...
Day is done...
Hangin' out...
Hangin' out...
What do you mean... no photo ops?
What do you mean... "no photo ops"?
The girls' evening out...
The girls' evening out...
Had enough?  Want to send your kid to camp?
Had enough? Want to send your kid to camp?
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