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Fay Stout | all galleries >> Galleries >> Today My Little Dog Died > Ms. Bailey sure does like corn-on-the-cob!
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Ms. Bailey sure does like corn-on-the-cob!

From the time I start shucking the corn she waits at my feet knowing that a treat is coming. Waiting until it cools a bit is the worst part... she whines to let me know she wants it... and wants it now!

Canon PowerShot SX200 IS
1/13s f/3.4 at 5.0mm iso800 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
Lu05-Oct-2013 06:40
what a clever dog.I do love dogs!
Digipets08-Aug-2012 22:56
Love her bib! She is so cute!
Fabienne12-Nov-2009 21:07
LOL, J'adore.
Mairéad29-Jul-2009 20:46
LOL :)
Guest 29-Jul-2009 18:59
Ms Bailey is so funny! I don't know if my girls could do this trick.
laine29-Jul-2009 17:38
I suppose she like butter too :)
Stephanie29-Jul-2009 11:02
OMG - Ms. Bailey is adorable!
Ann...29-Jul-2009 07:58
I've never seen the like before!!! So cute!
Rick Bricker29-Jul-2009 04:16
LOL....great the bib.
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