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Frimpong The Travelling Bear | all galleries >> Frimpong's trips 2004 -2012 >> Frimpong in Norfolk - by Steve Sharp > "Ok, a joke's a joke... now where is my beer?"
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Steve Sharp

"Ok, a joke's a joke... now where is my beer?"

Norfolk (UK)

Ricoh Caplio GX-100
1/36s f/5.3 at 7.8mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Raymond Ma06-Jun-2009 20:27
Don't be too hasty, it looks like a Screwdriver to me Frimpong. V
Máire Uí Mhaicín03-Jun-2009 21:27
The vitamin C will do you good; later you'll get your beer, no doubt.
Carole Stevens31-May-2009 07:14
Okay Frimpong you cant drink beer all the time, this is part of your 5 day; itl do you good lol!