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Frimpong The Travelling Bear | all galleries >> Frimpong's trips 2004 -2012 >> Frimpong in Norfolk - by Steve Sharp > Oh, my goodness, I cannot believe my eyes, this is my old friend Bob!!! Hey, Bob, it's me!
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Steve Sharp

Oh, my goodness, I cannot believe my eyes, this is my old friend Bob!!! Hey, Bob, it's me!

Norfolk (UK)

What a great joy is for me meeting again my old friend Bob White!
I had been his guest for a while in Norwich, it was four years ago...
Click HERE to see the gallery I had made with him.
Bob White, old branch! You have not changed at all.
Let's have a couple of pints together to speak of old good times.....

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Ricoh Caplio GX-100
1/26s f/4.6 at 5.1mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Máire Uí Mhaicín03-Jun-2009 21:28
Ah, good to see you found your friend and a pint to enjoy as well!
Bob White01-Jun-2009 22:14
Hello Everone how nice to renew old friendships
Carole Stevens29-May-2009 20:22
Hi Bob great to see you again; and Frimpong of course!
Katherine29-May-2009 20:19
It's been four years? Time sure flies by! Nice to see you again, Bob!