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Frimpong The Travelling Bear | profile | all galleries >> Frimpong's trips 2004 -2012 >> Frimpong in Norfolk - by Steve Sharp tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Frimpong in Norfolk - by Steve Sharp

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“Every day is a journey, and the journey itself is home.”

It’s nice, every now and then being with a fellow-countryman... Between Steve and me it was friendship at the first sight!
I have been relaxing with him in Norfolk and I really enjoy slowing down my rhythms for a while.
Steve is an amazing photographer, please take the time to look at his own galleries clicking HERE.
What a catch!
"What a catch!"
In a wartime Pillbox....
In a wartime Pillbox....
Another Pillbox on the beach....
Another Pillbox on the beach....
Ahhh, this is the welcome I was expecting from you, Steve!
Ahhh, this is the welcome I was expecting from you, Steve!
My, there must be some bigger bears than me around here!
"My, there must be some bigger bears than me around here!"
I feel very bucolic....
I feel very bucolic....
I'm so cute...Where are  girls, Steve?
I'm so cute...Where are girls, Steve?
Maybe it's because of dandelions....
Maybe it's because of dandelions....
 What A Beautiful Day!!!!!
What A Beautiful Day!!!!!
Girls, Girls!!!! I've found them!!!!
Girls, Girls!!!! I've found them!!!!
First Ice Cream of the year!
First Ice Cream of the year!
Steve and Frimpong on the beach
Steve and Frimpong on the beach
At the Nelson Head Pub, Horsey
At the Nelson Head Pub, Horsey
Ok, a joke's a joke... now where is my beer?
"Ok, a joke's a joke... now where is my beer?"
 Oh, my goodness, I cannot believe  my eyes, this is my old friend Bob!!! Hey, Bob, it's me!
Oh, my goodness, I cannot believe my eyes, this is my old friend Bob!!! Hey, Bob, it's me!
Me in the stocks... what did I do?!
Me in the stocks... what did I do?!
Phoning Aunt Violet!
Phoning Aunt Violet!
Thurne Mill
Thurne Mill
Don't you think I look sweet and romantic?
Don't you think I look sweet and romantic?
You might call me Fairypong...
You might call me Fairypong...
Are you all from Norfolk, guys?
Are you all from Norfolk, guys?
Peek-a-Boo! I'm Frimpong, the nature lover!
Peek-a-Boo! I'm Frimpong, the nature lover!
Let me know, when you receive my postcards...
Let me know, when you receive my postcards...
Let's go to the beach, Steve!
Let's go to the beach, Steve!
Maybe one day I'll have a chance to visit the Moon too....
Maybe one day I'll have a chance to visit the Moon too....
Frimpong and sea defence debris at Happisburgh
Frimpong and sea defence debris at Happisburgh
Booooo, I'm the ghost of Happisburgh Beach....
Booooo, I'm the ghost of Happisburgh Beach....
And boooo again! I'm the ghost of Holkham Beach!!!!
And boooo again! I'm the ghost of Holkham Beach!!!!
Oh my, Steve texturized me!
Oh my, Steve texturized me!
Watching the mist rising on the marshes at Waxham...
Watching the mist rising on the marshes at Waxham...
Happisburgh Lighthouse
Happisburgh Lighthouse
I think I need a shoemaker who takes better measurements!
I think I need a shoemaker who takes better measurements!
I wonder what's in here?!
I wonder what's in here?!
Space Hoppers are back!
Space Hoppers are back!
I like being on the other side of a camera, once in a while!
I like being on the other side of a camera, once in a while!
The Scary Bear legend.....
The Scary Bear legend.....
The mighty Frimpong is here, people of Norfolk!
The mighty Frimpong is here, people of Norfolk!
For me it's time to leave, Steve, I'm afraid....
For me it's time to leave, Steve, I'm afraid....