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Hungary - Day 1 | Hungary - Day 2 | Hungary - Day 3 & 6 | Hungary - Day 4 | Hungary - Day 5

Hungary - Day 1

We spent the first day of the trip in the 'Drinking Pool Hide 1'. It is located in an area of mature mixed woodland on the outskirts of the town of Debrecen and is not actually in the Hortobagy National Park. The hide gave amazing close up views of birds coming in to bathe and drink.
:: Blackbird ::
:: Blackcap ::
Blue Tit
:: Blue Tit ::
:: Chaffinch ::
:: Chiffchaff ::
Collared Flycatcher
:: Collared Flycatcher ::
Great Spotted Woodpecker
:: Great Spotted Woodpecker ::
Great Tit
:: Great Tit ::
:: Hawfinch ::
Marsh Tit
:: Marsh Tit ::
Middle Spotted Woodpecker
:: Middle Spotted Woodpecker ::
:: Nuthatch ::
Pied Flycatcher
:: Pied Flycatcher ::
:: Robin ::
Short-toed Treecreeper
:: Short-toed Treecreeper ::
Song Thrush
:: Song Thrush ::
Tree Pipit
:: Tree Pipit ::
Turtle Dove
:: Turtle Dove ::
Wood Pigeon
:: Wood Pigeon ::
:: Yellowhammer ::
Drinking Pool Hide 1
Drinking Pool Hide 1
Drinking Pool Hide 1
Drinking Pool Hide 1
Drinking Pool Hide 1
Drinking Pool Hide 1
Drinking Pool Hide 1
Drinking Pool Hide 1