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Henk Bril | profile | all galleries >> Astrohistorica (updated 2024) >> Plates from old Astronomy Books (updated 2024) >> Jules Loridan - L’ASTRONOMIE PITTORESQUE (1896) tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Tom Telescope - The Newtonian System of Philosophy (1768) | Magasin Pittoresque - Cartes Célestes (1863) (NEW 2024) | R.S. Ball - the Story of the Heavens (1891) | Jules Loridan - L’ASTRONOMIE PITTORESQUE (1896) | E. Havinga - Onze Sterrenhemel (1902)


I think book was (also) published in episodes as a serial; which could explain the different types of bindings that are found (there is also a red one). That the book was published in 1896, although it is not mentioned anywhere, is plausible: on page 204 reference is made to the 'just published (vient de publier)' lunar atlas of Prinz; that was published in 1896.
Loridan - L'Astronomie Pittoresque - Front
Loridan - L'Astronomie Pittoresque - Front
Loridan - L'Astronomie Pittoresque - Back
Loridan - L'Astronomie Pittoresque - Back
Reinier Peutz (first owner 1906)
Reinier Peutz (first owner 1906)