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Henk Bril | all galleries >> Astrohistorica (updated 2024) >> Plates from old Astronomy Books (updated 2024) >> Jules Loridan - L’ASTRONOMIE PITTORESQUE (1896) > Loridan - L'Astronomie Pittoresque - Front
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Henk Bril's Collection

Loridan - L'Astronomie Pittoresque - Front

Jules Loridan (1843-1926), priest of the Diocese of Cambrai (ordained in 1866).
He was "Chanoine honoraire de Cambrai, Aumônier des Dames Ursulines de Saint-Saulve" - Honorary Canon of Cambrai, Chaplain of the Ursuline Ladies of Saint-Saulve.

The beautiful illustrations on the front and back were made by E. Hermsdorf, as can be seen in the lower left corner of the illustration on the front.

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