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E. Havinga - Onze Sterrenhemel (1902)

Egbertus Havinga (1872 - 1938) was a former first officer and captain of the N.V. Rotterdamsche Lloyd, a well-known Dutch shipping company.
In 1902 he wrote this fascinating book about navigating the sea using the stars, which received a second edition in 1916. That second edition was a thorough reworking and expansion of the first edition.
Two beautiful maps accompanied the book - the Dutch astronomer Dr. Jan van der Bilt named these maps 'the best ever made available in The Netherlands' (Hemel & Dampkring 1938, page 148).
The maps shown here are from the first edition. The book is rare and as a consequense almost completely forgotten, the maps themselves are extremely rare.
Havinga was an avid observer of the 'green flash' and was one of the initiators and co-author of the famous book about the Eise Eisinga planetarium in Franeker, published in 1928.
1902 - first edition - cover
1902 - first edition - cover
1902 - first edition - title page
1902 - first edition - title page
1916 - second edition - cover
1916 - second edition - cover
1916 - second edition - title page
1916 - second edition - title page
Kaart I - Equatoriaal en Zodiakaal sterrenbeelden
Kaart I - Equatoriaal en Zodiakaal sterrenbeelden
Kaart I - Detail - Argo Navis, Canis Major, Orion
Kaart I - Detail - Argo Navis, Canis Major, Orion
Kaart II en III - De sterrenbeelden van het noordelijk en zuidelijk halfrond
Kaart II en III - De sterrenbeelden van het noordelijk en zuidelijk halfrond
Kaart II - De sterrenbeelden van het noordelijk halfrond
Kaart II - De sterrenbeelden van het noordelijk halfrond
Kaart II - Detail - Ursa Major, Ursa Minor
Kaart II - Detail - Ursa Major, Ursa Minor
Kaart III - De sterrenbeelden van het zuidelijk halfrond
Kaart III - De sterrenbeelden van het zuidelijk halfrond
Kaart III - Detail - Crux, Centaurus
Kaart III - Detail - Crux, Centaurus