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Henk Bril | all galleries >> Astrohistorica (updated 2024) >> Plates from old Astronomy Books (updated 2024) >> E. Havinga - Onze Sterrenhemel (1902) > Kaart I - Detail - Argo Navis, Canis Major, Orion
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Henk Bril's Collection

Kaart I - Detail - Argo Navis, Canis Major, Orion

Interesting part of chart I, showing constellations among which Argo Navis, Canis Major and Orion and the two brightest stars of the night sky Sirius and Canopus.
The constellation Malus is also mentioned to the left (east) of Argo Navis, that designation is nowadays known as Pyxis.
Argo Navis itself was split in 1930 into three seperate constellations: Puppis, Carina and Vela.

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