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How can image processing help reduce the size of my files?
Only original image file sizes are used to calculate your disk usage. We have a couple of options to let you easily reduce the amount of disk space you are using without uploading new, smaller images.

You can process images that have already been uploaded to PBase as well as select a default setting for processing new uploads to a PBase gallery. The tools to do this are found on your gallery edit

Current Processing Options

No Change
With this option, no change is made to originals when uploaded. This is the default.

Delete Originals
With this option, original images are deleted, and large size images are used to calculate your disk usage. If no large size exists, there is no change.

Recompress Originals
This option maintains the original image dimensions, but decreases the file size. The images are resaved at quality 70 using ImageMagick.

The effectiveness of these tools will vary depending on your photos, but often can provide great space savings. If you've already used some other program to process your files, you may not see much change, but if you've uploaded photos straight from a digital camera, you will probably recover a lot of space.

For example, yesterday I uploaded 100 photos from a Canon 10D which used a total of 190MB. After recompression, those photos used only 39MB. If I had removed the originals entirely and left only the 'large' sizes, those 100photos would probably use only around 10MB.

Uploading Images
FAQ Instructions
There is a section on the edit gallery page headed "Upload images to this gallery". This is also on your profile page for uploading to your InBox, but usually you will want to use the form on the edit gallery page. First, click the [Browse...] button. Next, hit the [Upload Image] button. Now all you have to do is wait. After uploading, it may take some time for the thumbnails to generate. Until they are finished you will see an image that says "creating thumbnails". Usually this will happen very... (more)

There are many different web browsers, most of which work with PBase. There are a couple of known problems. Internet Explorer 4.0 on a Macintosh will not upload anything. Upgrade to IE5.0. Opera on Windows will not upload ZIP files. Use a different browser for zip uploads.

In the edit gallery page, there's a link to the upload mode. This is a separate page with nothing but a bunch of file selection fields with [Browse...] buttons. This allows you to choose many files from your hard drive, and then hit the Upload button just once. This is much more efficient than uploading one by one, and not as much trouble as making a ZIP file. Using a ZIP file is sometimes too much trouble if you have only a small number of photos to upload.

The best image format is JPEG, which is the best format for images on the web. Almost all digital cameras and scanning and editing software will save images as JPEG files.
Make sure you upload your files in RGB format. CMYK images will not display in most browsers.

Currently other types of media such as audio, video, text, or anything else are not supported.
It is possible to embed a YouTube video in your image captions. Using the PBlog template, you could add posts that have no image, but have an embedded video in the caption. See an example at

The easiest way to upload a bunch of photos is to combine a batch of photos into one file and upload just the single file. PBase accepts uploading of ZIP and TAR files. Some people ask about GZIP, which is not handled. The purpose of ZIP or TAR in this case is not for compression. JPEG files already use a very good compression algorithm designed for photographs. ZIP or GZIP will not decrease the size of the files at all. Zip and Tar Software Windows * WinZip seems to be very common.... (more)

The maximum size of any image file that can be uploaded is extremely large and would only affect attempted abusive uploads.
There is no maximum size for uploading .zip files. However, due to the instability of most household internet connections, we recommed that you keep your .zip files below or around 40MB.
If you try uploading large .zip files and experience errors or timeouts, try breaking the file into several smaller files and uploading them seperately.

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Guest 21-Jun-2006 19:19
A zip file is actually the easiest way to upload more than 3 images. a simple free program like "JustZipIt" (recommended} quickly and easily turns a folder ( in which are the images to be uploaded) into a zip file. REDUCING your image file before uploading is strongly recommended........ Kym Ketcham, professional photographer and someone who uploads hundreds of images daily