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How can image processing help reduce the size of my files?
Only original image file sizes are used to calculate your disk usage. We have a couple of options to let you easily reduce the amount of disk space you are using without uploading new, smaller images.

You can process images that have already been uploaded to PBase as well as select a default setting for processing new uploads to a PBase gallery. The tools to do this are found on your gallery edit

Current Processing Options

No Change
With this option, no change is made to originals when uploaded. This is the default.

Delete Originals
With this option, original images are deleted, and large size images are used to calculate your disk usage. If no large size exists, there is no change.

Recompress Originals
This option maintains the original image dimensions, but decreases the file size. The images are resaved at quality 70 using ImageMagick.

The effectiveness of these tools will vary depending on your photos, but often can provide great space savings. If you've already used some other program to process your files, you may not see much change, but if you've uploaded photos straight from a digital camera, you will probably recover a lot of space.

For example, yesterday I uploaded 100 photos from a Canon 10D which used a total of 190MB. After recompression, those photos used only 39MB. If I had removed the originals entirely and left only the 'large' sizes, those 100photos would probably use only around 10MB.

Organizing the Gallery
FAQ Instructions
Images in your gallery are ordered by their sequence number. If you want one image to come before another, make its sequence number less than the other. Adjust all the sequence numbers you need, then hit the Update Titles and Sequence Numbers button.
By default, the image with the lowest sequence number will be the representative image of that gallery.

One image from each gallery is shown in your main galleries page.
By default, the image with the lowest sequence number will be shown, but if you want to choose an image, click the represent link next to that image. Only one image per gallery will be the representative image.

You can add titles to all the images in a gallery at once on the edit gallery page. This saves you from editing each individual image.
Just edit the gallery.
Fill in the titles by the image listings.
Click the "Update Titles and Sequence Numbers" button.

You can update many images at one time using the "Batch Update..." tool on the edit gallery page for any gallery. Use this tool to update title, caption, artist, location, shot date, camera body, camera lens, film type, tech notes, keywords, and publicity of images. First, select the checkboxes by all images you want to update on the edit gallery page. Scroll down to the "Batch Update..." section. Set the appropriate values for any of the fields you are altering. Click the "Update Images" button.... (more)

When editing your gallery, click on the sequencing tab.
Next to subgalleries, there are two options:
add new subgalleries to the beginning of the gallery OR add new subgalleries to the end of the gallery.
Click the appropriate box. Click the Update Placement Settings button.

When editing a gallery, if you want the new images to be seen at the beginning of the gallery instead of the end, click on the "sequencing" tab.
Beside "Images" there are two options: you may either add new images to the beginning of the gallery, or add new images to the end of the gallery.
Click the circle next to "add new images to the beginning of the gallery".
Click the "Update Placement Settings" button.

In order to link subgalleries, go to the Advanced Settings page in the gallery which you want to link from. Select the check box to use Linked Subgalleries Click Update For example: Say you have an Italy gallery. Within the Italy gallery, you have subgalleries for various Italian cities. It would be nice if people could jump directly from the Venice subgallery to the Bologna subgallery without having to go back through the main Italy gallery to get there. The solution is to use linked subgalleries.... (more)

A gallery can be broken into multiple pages, which is useful if there are many images in one gallery.
Choose the number of images you want per page next to the "multi-page gallery" option, or leave blank to have all images on one page. This will insert Page Breaks at the appropriate locations when you choose to update the gallery.

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