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Greg Gillson | profile | all galleries >> Bird Photos >> Photo Checklist: Field-Friendly Guide to San Diego Birds >> Wading Waterbirds tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Wading Waterbirds

Most wading waterbirds are generally long-legged and long necked. Many have longer bills for probing in mud for food. They can be solitary or in flocks, depending upon species and time of year. Though most are found near wetlands, others can be found in open grassland settings.

Wading waterbirds include rails, shorebirds, herons, ibis, and cranes.
Ridgway's Rail
:: Ridgway's Rail ::
Virginia Rail
:: Virginia Rail ::
:: Sora ::
Black-necked Stilt
:: Black-necked Stilt ::
American Avocet
:: American Avocet ::
American Oystercatcher
:: American Oystercatcher ::
Black Oystercatcher
:: Black Oystercatcher ::
Black-bellied Plover
:: Black-bellied Plover ::
Pacific Golden-Plover
:: Pacific Golden-Plover ::
Snowy Plover
:: Snowy Plover ::
Semipalmated Plover
:: Semipalmated Plover ::
:: Killdeer ::
:: Whimbrel ::
Long-billed Curlew
:: Long-billed Curlew ::
Marbled Godwit
:: Marbled Godwit ::
Ruddy Turnstone
:: Ruddy Turnstone ::
Black Turnstone
:: Black Turnstone ::
Red Knot
:: Red Knot ::
:: Surfbird ::
:: Sanderling ::
Stilt Sandpiper
:: Stilt Sandpiper ::
:: Dunlin ::
Baird's Sandpiper
:: Baird's Sandpiper ::
Least Sandpiper
:: Least Sandpiper ::
Pectoral Sandpiper
:: Pectoral Sandpiper ::
Semipalmated Sandpiper
:: Semipalmated Sandpiper ::
Western Sandpiper
:: Western Sandpiper ::
Short-billed Dowitcher
:: Short-billed Dowitcher ::
Long-billed Dowitcher
:: Long-billed Dowitcher ::
Wilson's Snipe
:: Wilson's Snipe ::
Spotted Sandpiper
:: Spotted Sandpiper ::
Solitary Sandpiper
:: Solitary Sandpiper ::
Wandering Tattler
:: Wandering Tattler ::
Greater Yellowlegs
:: Greater Yellowlegs ::
:: Willet ::
Lesser Yellowlegs
:: Lesser Yellowlegs ::
Wilson's Phalarope
:: Wilson's Phalarope ::
Red-necked Phalarope
:: Red-necked Phalarope ::
Red Phalarope
:: Red Phalarope ::
American Bittern
:: American Bittern ::
Least Bittern
:: Least Bittern ::
Great Blue Heron
:: Great Blue Heron ::
Great Egret
:: Great Egret ::
Snowy Egret
:: Snowy Egret ::
Little Blue Heron
:: Little Blue Heron ::
Tricolored Heron
:: Tricolored Heron ::
Reddish Egret
:: Reddish Egret ::
Cattle Egret
:: Cattle Egret ::
Green Heron
:: Green Heron ::
Black-crowned Night-Heron
:: Black-crowned Night-Heron ::
Yellow-crowned Night-Heron
:: Yellow-crowned Night-Heron ::
White-faced Ibis
:: White-faced Ibis ::