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Alexander Kazakov09-Dec-2024 12:36
Amazing! V
Fabienne04-Dec-2024 21:16
Une photo qui nous renvoie à une époque qui devait avoir beaucoup de charme.
Johnny JAG28-Nov-2024 19:33
Fantastic post processing
Jeff Real28-Nov-2024 13:47
This is an absolutely amazing work of art!
Nick Paoni27-Nov-2024 23:44
Like time travel.
joseantonio27-Nov-2024 16:49
nice work with this old image.V.
Blandine Mangin27-Nov-2024 13:49
wonderful mood and treatment ! v
John Reynolds LRPS27-Nov-2024 10:42
Great historic image. V.
Bill Klein27-Nov-2024 03:38
Incredible work of art, Graeme! VVV!
Julie Oldfield27-Nov-2024 02:24
It reminds of a photo from Prohibition. Truly great work. V
Tom Munson27-Nov-2024 00:54
This is wonderful, Graeme.
janescottcumming26-Nov-2024 18:53
Very cool. I like the old Texaco start on the wall. V
Jean Chiasson26-Nov-2024 18:35
Beautiful old garage and mood Graeme V
SLC_Images26-Nov-2024 16:14
Like it!!!
Tom LeRoy26-Nov-2024 14:51
Commendable processing to produce this magical peek into the past. v
Marcia Rules26-Nov-2024 14:38
an image that provokes thought and remembrance BVV~
Kevin D Warren26-Nov-2024 13:28
This has such a great classic old time feel - your processing is spot on for this!
Dave Petersen Photography26-Nov-2024 12:29
Another superb image that has such a wonderful timeless look and mood. The sepia processing works beautifully. VV
Charlene Ambrose26-Nov-2024 07:33
What a neat look into the past. V
Dan Greenberg26-Nov-2024 05:22
A great addition to this gallery! Love the juxtaposition of the very cool old car with the old repair shop and petrol station. Love the processing too. ~BV~
Boris Alexander Keller26-Nov-2024 04:21
A wonderful travel back in time with this artistic creation! V
Hank Vander Velde26-Nov-2024 02:36
Beautiful sepia-type presentation Graeme.
Dennis Hoyne26-Nov-2024 02:26
superb post work for these trips into the past.
Dan Opdal26-Nov-2024 02:16
~Way Cool~ My favorite today! V
Helen Betts26-Nov-2024 02:09
Such a great old-time looking image. V.
larose forest photos26-Nov-2024 01:17
Could have been taken decades ago! Love this glimpse into the past through this beautifully processed shot. VVV
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