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Graeme | all galleries >> Galleries >> Yesteryear >
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Alexander Kazakov09-Dec-2024 11:53
Perfect! V
Dave Petersen Photography02-Dec-2024 13:41
Terrific creativity and processing. Love the timeless mood. V+
Charlene Ambrose02-Dec-2024 00:50
A very nice creative capture. V
Walter Otto Koenig01-Dec-2024 17:38
Your processing works so well with these old tobacco tines and matchboxes. "V"
Boris Alexander Keller01-Dec-2024 07:43
Certainly a pastime window display with the fading colors! V
Dennis Hoyne01-Dec-2024 05:15
So many choices, a great find and so well documented.
Dan Opdal30-Nov-2024 23:47
Very nice window display. Great shot! V
Nick Paoni30-Nov-2024 20:10
Love the vintage look.
Allan Jay30-Nov-2024 16:53
Excellent creativity, Graeme!
Blandine Mangin30-Nov-2024 16:27
very beautiful treatment ! v
janescottcumming30-Nov-2024 15:32
A great addition to this gallery. V
Helen Betts30-Nov-2024 15:30
Interesting, creatively treated image. V.
Danad30-Nov-2024 14:23
A superb processing work Graeme !
Jeff Real30-Nov-2024 13:26
This is such a brilliant work!
Your technique is amazing!
Julie Oldfield30-Nov-2024 12:50
Excellent old time feel. I like the grit too. V
joseantonio30-Nov-2024 11:58
a very nice display lovely captured.V
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