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Graeme | all galleries >> Galleries >> Yesteryear >
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Alexander Kazakov09-Dec-2024 12:36
Lovely mood! V
Richard Chu01-Dec-2024 03:48
Very impressive image beautifully captured and processed! V
Zoltán Balogh28-Nov-2024 18:00
Excellent capture, Graeme! V
Allan Jay27-Nov-2024 20:07
Awesome composition… the sepia tones takes
this to a whole new level, Graeme!
Bill Klein27-Nov-2024 03:46
Awesome image, Graeme! VVV!
John Reynolds LRPS25-Nov-2024 09:49
Wonderful scene and presentation. V.
janescottcumming25-Nov-2024 03:04
Very well put together and the treatment is so good. V
Julie Oldfield25-Nov-2024 02:36
So much to see and take in. Excellent. V
Walter Otto Koenig25-Nov-2024 01:44
Great perspective and detail. Very effective with this processing work. "V"
Johnny JAG24-Nov-2024 19:19
Wonderful atmospheric processing
Jeff Real24-Nov-2024 13:54
What a remarkable work of art!
I love it!
Boris Alexander Keller24-Nov-2024 03:57
Really old-fashioned style..beautiful work! V
Nick Paoni23-Nov-2024 21:50
Love the vintage presentation.
larose forest photos23-Nov-2024 21:50
This is so special. What an ingenious and striking shot you've captured here. V++
Tom LeRoy23-Nov-2024 19:46
Wonderful way to present this nostalgic scene. Great work, Graeme. v
Blandine Mangin23-Nov-2024 19:32
superb compo and treatment ! v
globalgadabout23-Nov-2024 19:07
a compelling image....the superb processing is very much in tune with the nostalgic character of shop and scene..
Marcia Rules23-Nov-2024 16:50
I love what you achieved here! Super in every respect! BV~
Kevin D Warren23-Nov-2024 12:33
Beautiful work all around, Graeme, and a great addition to this gallery.
Tom Munson23-Nov-2024 04:56
Great capture and wonderful series.
Charlene Ambrose23-Nov-2024 03:11
Very cool image portraying times gone by. V
Hank Vander Velde23-Nov-2024 02:18
Beautiful well presented image reflecting a yesteryears street and store-fronts scene.
Dennis Hoyne23-Nov-2024 01:58
bad spelling , I meant "love to explore" It's sometimes difficult to type with broken finger.
Helen Betts23-Nov-2024 01:54
Great shot that looks like something from another era. V.
laine23-Nov-2024 01:50
A nostalgic it. V
Dan Greenberg23-Nov-2024 01:40
Outstanding!! I love the golden tones and great texture overlay. ~BV~
Dan Opdal23-Nov-2024 01:18
Beautiful sharp image with wonderful detail. Stunning! V
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