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Alexander Dudley | all galleries >> Galleries >> Australian Invertebrates > millipede
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16-JAN-2006 İAlexander Dudley 2006


Cradle Valley, Tasmania, Australia

The trouble with taking your pet millipede for a walk is how ridiculouly long it takes them to get their shoes on..

Millipedes are Myriapods, a little like centipedes. They can be distinguished from centipedes (although one could argue that few
millipedes are actually distinguished) by the possession of two pairs of legs for every body segment. The extra thought that goes
into coordinating all those extra legs slows millipedes down a lot, so they gave up hunting and running away a long time ago,
and became vegetarians. Many millipedes are poisonous (as defined from centipedes, which are often venomous) so don't put
them in your mouth. I know you wanted to.

FujiFilm FinePix S2 Pro ,Nikkor 60mm f/2.8D AF Micro
1/125s f/22.0 at 59.0mm iso100 with Flash; SB-800 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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