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Alexander Dudley | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent tree view | thumbnails
Welcome to my gallery! You can probably guess from my photographs that I'm a natural historian. I love wildlife, however the built environment can provide some interesting photographic opportunities as well. I invite you to browse my galleries, read the captions and learn a little about the Australian Environment.

My father has a much broader range of photographic subjects including travel around the world.- view his galleries at:
Australian Invertebrates
:: Australian Invertebrates ::
Aussie reptiles
:: Aussie reptiles ::
:: miscellany ::
Aussie Frogs
:: Aussie Frogs ::
Aussie mammals
:: Aussie mammals ::
Places and Scenery
:: Places and Scenery ::
Australian Flora
:: Australian Flora ::
Aussie Birds
:: Aussie Birds ::
British Columbia, Canada
:: British Columbia, Canada ::