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Dwayne | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent tree view | thumbnails
I was born and raised in St. Louis from January 12th, 1978, I started at Judevine Center back in 1981, and went to Steak N'Shake back in July 1999
The Gateway Arch
The Gateway Arch
Interstate 70
Interstate 70
The History of River Roads Mall
The History of River Roads Mall
Partnership for a Drug-Free America
Partnership for a Drug-Free America
Interstate 44
Interstate 44
St. Louis Dairy Neon Clock
St. Louis Dairy Neon Clock
Sealtest Dairy Neon Clock
Sealtest Dairy Neon Clock
St. Louis Centre
St. Louis Centre
Kansas City Skyline
Kansas City Skyline
St. Louis Union Station
St. Louis Union Station