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Interstate 44

Photos of Interstate 44 over the years around St. Louis, Missouri
Interstate 44 at Kingshighway exit (1980)
Interstate 44 at Kingshighway exit (1980)
Interstate 44 at Hampton Ave exit (1980)
Interstate 44 at Hampton Ave exit (1980)
Interstate 270 approach Interstate 44 (1977)
Interstate 270 approach Interstate 44 (1977)
Interstate 44 West 66 button sign (1961)
Interstate 44 West 66 button sign (1961)
Interstate 44 at the St. Louis Arch construction (1965)
Interstate 44 at the St. Louis Arch construction (1965)
Interstate 270 approach Interstate 44 (1975)
Interstate 270 approach Interstate 44 (1975)
Interstate 44 & US 50 at Exit 276 - Interstate 270 exit (1989)
Interstate 44 & US 50 at Exit 276 - Interstate 270 exit (1989)
Interstate 44 at Exit 289 - Jefferson Ave exit (1989)
Interstate 44 at Exit 289 - Jefferson Ave exit (1989)
Interstate 44 at Exit 276 - Interstate 270 exits (1991)
Interstate 44 at Exit 276 - Interstate 270 exits (1991)
Interstate 55 at Exit 207 - Interstate 44 & Gravios Ave exits (1991)
Interstate 55 at Exit 207 - Interstate 44 & Gravios Ave exits (1991)
Interstate 44 at Exit 288 - Grand Blvd exit (1991)
Interstate 44 at Exit 288 - Grand Blvd exit (1991)
Interstate 44 at Exit 278 - Big Bend Rd exit (1991)
Interstate 44 at Exit 278 - Big Bend Rd exit (1991)
Interstate 44 at Exits 290A-B - Interstate 55 & 18th St exits (1991)
Interstate 44 at Exits 290A-B - Interstate 55 & 18th St exits (1991)
Interstate 44 West at Exit 289 - Jefferson Ave exit (1991)
Interstate 44 West at Exit 289 - Jefferson Ave exit (1991)
Interstate 44 East at Exit 289, Jefferson Ave exit (1991)
Interstate 44 East at Exit 289, Jefferson Ave exit (1991)
Interstate 44 & US 50 West at Exit 277B, US 61, US 67, US 50 East, Lindbergh Blvd exit (1989)
Interstate 44 & US 50 West at Exit 277B, US 61, US 67, US 50 East, Lindbergh Blvd exit (1989)