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The Gateway Arch

The Gateway Arch was built in 1963, and they had it done in 1965 and 1966, The Arch is still a landmark like it is today?
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St. Louis Arch (1980)
St. Louis Arch (1980)
St. Louis Arch (1980)
St. Louis Arch (1980)
Old Catherdal & The Arch
Old Catherdal & The Arch
St. Louis Arch (1979)
St. Louis Arch (1979)
St. Louis Arch (1980)
St. Louis Arch (1980)
St. Louis Arch (1982)
St. Louis Arch (1982)
St. Louis Arch (1981)
St. Louis Arch (1981)
Beautiful Skyline at the St. Louis Arch (1982)
Beautiful Skyline at the St. Louis Arch (1982)
St. Louis Arch (1982)
St. Louis Arch (1982)
Beautiful Skyline at the St. Louis Arch (1981)
Beautiful Skyline at the St. Louis Arch (1981)
The Arch (1982)
The Arch (1982)
Leg of the Gateway Arch (1982)
Leg of the Gateway Arch (1982)
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