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Dick Osseman | all galleries >> Aphrodisias - classical city in Turkey >> The Aphrodisias Museum > Aphrodisias Museum March 2011 4629.jpg
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Aphrodisias Museum March 2011 4629.jpg

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The Dacian people. From the Wikipedia: The Dacians (Latin: Daci, Ancient Greek: Δάχοι, Δαχοι "Dakoi", Δάοι "Daoi", Δάχές "Dakes", Medieval Greek Δάκαι "Dákai) were an Indo-European people, the ancient inhabitants of Dacia (located in the area in and around the Carpathian Mountains and east of there to the Black Sea), present-day Romania and Moldova, parts of Sarmatia (mostly in eastern Ukraine) and Moesia (Eastern Serbia and Northern Bulgaria), also parts of present-day Slovakia and Poland. They spoke the Dacian language, believed related to Thracian, but were influenced culturally by the neighbouring Scythians and by the Celtic invaders of the 4th century BC.

Nikon D3
1/50s f/8.0 at 23.0mm iso2500 full exif

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