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Don Boyd | profile | all galleries >> Memories of Old Hialeah, Old Miami and Old South Florida Photo Galleries - largest non-Facebook collection on the internet >> Miami Area TELEVISION and RADIO PERSONALITIES Historical Photo Gallery - click on image to view >> 1950's and 60's - Jumpin' Jack O'Brien Photo Gallery - click on image to view tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

1950's and 60's - Jumpin' Jack O'Brien Photo Gallery - click on image to view

Many thanks to Jumpin' Jack O'Brien for contributing these images of his exciting life in South Florida, for corresponding with me via e-mails and for being a friend of mine on Facebook.

TV producer Chuck Stewart has a great black and white Jack O'Brien video posted on YouTube at: (The Best of Jumpin' Jack O'Brien) (Scuba Weather/WPLG) (A Municipal Auto Sales spot)

March 19, 2012: I read with much sadness on Facebook that Jumpin' Jack O'Brien has passed away in the Nashville area. Click on the "obituaries" image at the bottom to read his obituaries. This Facebook page has a recent photo of Jumpin' Jack and many comments:

1957 - Deanna Briggs being crowned as Miss Miami Beach 1957 by Marcia Valibus, Miss Miami Beach 1956
1957 - Deanna Briggs being crowned as Miss Miami Beach 1957 by Marcia Valibus, Miss Miami Beach 1956
1957 - Deanna Briggs, Miss Miami Beach 1957 (center) - to become Mrs. Jack O'Brien
1957 - Deanna Briggs, Miss Miami Beach 1957 (center) - to become Mrs. Jack O'Brien
1957 - Miss Florida Pageant - Deanna Briggs 12th from left
1957 - Miss Florida Pageant - Deanna Briggs 12th from left
1957 - Miss Florida Pageant - left half of image
1957 - Miss Florida Pageant - left half of image
1957 - Miss Florida Pageant - Deanna Briggs 2nd from left - right half of image
1957 - Miss Florida Pageant - Deanna Briggs 2nd from left - right half of image
1957 - UM Miss Florida 1957 contestants Dorothy Steiner, Deanna Briggs, Rhona Berube, Adrianne Goyette and Rosemary Morris
1957 - UM Miss Florida 1957 contestants Dorothy Steiner, Deanna Briggs, Rhona Berube, Adrianne Goyette and Rosemary Morris
1957 - Deanna Briggs, the future Mrs. Jack O'Brien, as Miss Transportation 1957 in Dade County
1957 - Deanna Briggs, the future Mrs. Jack O'Brien, as Miss Transportation 1957 in Dade County
1957 - Deanna Briggs, Miss Miami Beach 1957, and the local Jaycees
1957 - Deanna Briggs, Miss Miami Beach 1957, and the local Jaycees
1960s - Jumpin' Jack O'Brien belting them out on his TV show
1960s - Jumpin' Jack O'Brien belting them out on his TV show
Jack O'Brien doing a live commercial for Municipal Auto Sales in the back lot of WTVJ-TV Channel 4 (Jack's story below)
Jack O'Brien doing a live commercial for Municipal Auto Sales in the back lot of WTVJ-TV Channel 4 (Jack's story below)
Jack O'Brien doing a Municipal Auto Sales commercial
Jack O'Brien doing a Municipal Auto Sales commercial
1960s - Jumpin Jack O'Brien promotional photo
1960s - "Jumpin" Jack O'Brien promotional photo
1960s - Captain Jack with Banjo Billy and Jumpin' Jack O'Brien
1960s - Captain Jack with Banjo Billy and Jumpin' Jack O'Brien
1960s - Jumpin' Jack O'Brien and flying pies
1960s - Jumpin' Jack O'Brien and flying pies
1960s - Jumpin Jack's Channel 10 Sell Sheet  with Lester the Lazy Lion and Jack E Parrot
1960s - "Jumpin" Jack's Channel 10 Sell Sheet with Lester the Lazy Lion and Jack E Parrot
1960s - Membership cards for Jumpin' Jack's Four O'Clock Club and Jumpin' Jack's Club on Channel 10
1960s - Membership cards for Jumpin' Jack's "Four O'Clock Club" and "Jumpin' Jack's Club" on Channel 10
1966 - partial page of an advertisement of WLBW-TV Channelo 10 in Miami
1966 - partial page of an advertisement of WLBW-TV Channelo 10 in Miami
Jumpin' Jack O'Brien in a recent family photo prior to his passing on March 19, 2012
"Jumpin'" Jack O'Brien in a recent family photo prior to his passing on March 19, 2012
March 2012 - Obituaries for Jumpin Jack O'Brien
March 2012 - Obituaries for "Jumpin" Jack O'Brien