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Don Boyd | all galleries >> Memories of Old Hialeah, Old Miami and Old South Florida Photo Galleries - largest non-Facebook collection on the internet >> Miami Area TELEVISION and RADIO PERSONALITIES Historical Photo Gallery - click on image to view >> 1950's and 60's - Jumpin' Jack O'Brien Photo Gallery - click on image to view > 1957 - Miss Florida Pageant - Deanna Briggs 12th from left
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1957 Courtesy of Jumpin' Jack O'Brien

1957 - Miss Florida Pageant - Deanna Briggs 12th from left

Thank you to Jumpin' Jack O'Brien for contributing this image. Jumpin' Jack says: "Don, this picture is the lineup of ladies for the Miss Florida Pageant in 1957. My favorite uncle Paul once said, "I love bathing beauties, but I seldom get the chance!" Paul was a lot of laughs. Miss Miami Beach (and the future Mrs. Jack O'Brien), Deanna Briggs, is 12th from the left. I have no idea of the names of the rest of the lovelies, but it is quite a lineup, isn't it?" (Yes sir, without a doubt! Don)

Jack O'Brien

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Don Boyd06-Jan-2010 07:02
I don't know, is there?