is the site to anonymously report any and all illnesses from being near or in Florida's polluted waters since the state and county governments have shown no interest in compiling such a database. Anyone who becomes ill or develops an infection should report it to so they can add your experience to their database. If you are on Facebook you can also like their page at:
Background: Florida's once beautiful Lake Okeechobee is now Florida's toilet thanks to agricultural fertilizer and animal waste run off into waters flowing into the lake and from Big Sugar and other farmers backpumping into the lake when there is too much water on their lands. The U. S. Army Corps of Engineers has to release Lake O's polluted waters when lake levels are higher in order to protect the old dike around the lake. The polluted water and algae blooms are discharged into the St. Lucie River, Caloosahatchee River and canals east and south of the lake. Florida's once pristine waters on the Gulf Coast and on the Treasure Coast are now fouled by filthy disgusting water that is killing all kinds of aquatic animal and plant life and the polluted water is unhealthy for human exposure. This situation will continue until there is a sufficient public uprising that votes out all the crooked politicians who have accepted Big Sugar and agricultural political contributions either directly or from Super PAC's. Florida is known for water activities and fishing and when people can't do those things all hell is breaking loose.
For more information about and our pathetic Florida state government please read this article from one of my most admired blogs: