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Don Boyd | all galleries >> Galleries >> Memories of Old Hialeah, Old Miami and Old South Florida Photo Galleries - largest non-Facebook collection on the internet > 2015 - Donna Shalala and the shameful University of Miami pineland "deal" near ZooMiami in southwest Miami-Dade
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24-FEB-2015 Miami Pine Rocklands Coalition

2015 - Donna Shalala and the shameful University of Miami pineland "deal" near ZooMiami in southwest Miami-Dade

Miami-Dade county, Florida

This meme pretty much summarizes the disgusting sequence of events. One federal government agency gives part of the old Richmond Naval Air Station property to the University of Miami, a PRIVATE university, while another federal government agency says that there are endangered plant and wildlife species on the property. This land is part of the 2% of the remaining undeveloped pine rockland in the county and any reasonable person would think it's a shame that we have managed to pave over so much and preserve so little.

Donna Shalala and UM cronies snuck an unpublicized deal through the Miami-Dade County Commission to rezone the land to commercial designation to enhance the value of the land. SHAME on the entire Miami-Dade Commission for having no consideration for the environment! The University of Miami then sells the pine rockland to RAM Realty from Palm Beach County for $22 million.

RAM Realty proposes to build 900 apartments and a WalMart store on the pineland while preserving a small portion of the property in its native state.

ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! We have paved over far too much of this county with very little preserved as it is. Re-develop old blighted areas of this county instead of destroying virgin land containing endangered plants and wildlife!

Join the Miami Pine Rocklands Coalition Facebook page at:

to keep current with planned protests and meetings.

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Guest 21-Apr-2015 23:17
once again greed and corruption rears its ugly head in Miami. sadly we vote these a- holes into office.