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Don Boyd | all galleries >> Memories of Old Hialeah, Old Miami and Old South Florida Photo Galleries - largest non-Facebook collection on the internet >> Miami Area RESTAURANTS, Drive-Ins, Bars, Lounges, Liquor Stores, Clubs, Strip Joints, etc. Gallery - All Years - click to view >> Lum's Images Gallery - click on image to view the gallery > Late 1950's / Early 1960's - a Lum's Restaurant (one of 5 on Miami Beach) in an unknown location (help!)
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Late 1950's / early 60's Courtesy of Robert Bowman

Late 1950's / Early 1960's - a Lum's Restaurant (one of 5 on Miami Beach) in an unknown location (help!)

Just north of 79th Street and Collins Avenue, Miami Beach

Thank you to Robert Bowman for finding this image. Please see "Darby's" comment below about this 5-store chain being unrelated to the large Lum's chain of restaurants.

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Richard 09-Dec-2017 16:45
This is definitely the one at 3341 N Federal Hwy in Oakland Park (Ft Lauderdale), FL. I have live three blocks away since 1967. You can see the emergency exit staircase for the old Coral Ridge movie theater (currently Solid Gold) on the left side. If you look in Google Earth street view you can still see the design squares, two large and three small, on the wall. The entire little strip mall is currently vacant awaiting demolition for construction of a new Bahama Breeze Caribbean chain restaurant.
Sheree 09-Oct-2017 00:19
Oh, I wanted to add... I know Lums was founded in Florida and I know that KFC bought out the chain a long time back and the last restaurant closed in Nebraska in 2010. I don’t know if KFC still owns Lums Inc or not. They let the restaurant fade out. I live in Southwestern Ohio now and we have many fine restaurants here. I can’t help but to think that Lums was so unique, that in the right locations Lums would go over big here. Our city was founded on a German heritage. With hotdogs steamed in beer and Lumburgers as well as other things on the menu, I am sure our city, and outer suburbs would be the perfect place for a Lums resurgence! Boy, would I love to see a Lums here in our town!! I am that sure it would make it here! If I were younger and had a few bucks, I would contact KFC IN A HEARTBEAT!!!
Sheree 08-Oct-2017 23:51
This actually looks like the Lums on Fort Lauderdale Beach, circa 1967-1969. I left Florida in 1969 so I don’t know when Lums On The Beach actually closed. But I loved that place and spent much time there. That’s why this looks so familiar. Of course, I could be wrong but it sure looks like Ft Lauderdale’s Lums On The Beach!!
Don Boyd12-Jul-2016 06:58
Guest, thank you for providing that location.

Guest 10-Jul-2016 15:33
That one looks like the one on Collins just north of 79th Street, Miami Beach
Don Boyd14-Jul-2014 03:38
Thank you Darby for your comments about the 5-store chain not being related to the 1956 Cliff Perlman Lums chain. I've been wondering about the font difference and unsimilar features in this photo. WHEN was the 5-store chain in operation on Miami Beach? Thank you.

Darby 12-Jul-2014 16:37
Five store beer bar chain on Miami Beach not to be confused with 1956 Cliff Perlman Lums chain. If you look at the font of the LUM'S signs online, you can see the difference.
Guest 26-Sep-2013 15:17
This may have been on US1 at E. Oakland Pk Blvd, Ft Laud., the NW corner. There is a small strip, about 5 bays, and I believe there is a sushi restaurant there now where this Lums was, the end bay on the south. West of it [on the left in this view] then connected to the Lums was the original Coral Ridge Theatre facing S. Now it is located across US1. This view would have been to the NW. Tom in Hollywood.
TIMOTHY 05-Jun-2013 21:11
Stephen P Stacy20-Jan-2013 22:04
Lumburgers and schooner beers...