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Nikon Z 8 ,Nikon NIKKOR Z MC 105mm f/2.8 VR S
1/30s f/9.0 at 105.0mm iso2200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Kevin D Warren21-Sep-2024 00:43
So very effective and beautiful.
Jeff Real20-Sep-2024 13:08
What a brilliant and moving woork of art!
Dan Greenberg16-Sep-2024 23:07
Super cool!!! I love your technique. ~VVV~
Dan Opdal15-Sep-2024 23:02
Beautiful work. Superb! V
Bill Miller14-Sep-2024 09:45
Really lovely fine details and rich colours
Apostolos Tikopoulos13-Sep-2024 19:12
Excellent details and beautiful colors. V
Danad12-Sep-2024 14:50
A great work, once again.
janescottcumming12-Sep-2024 14:20
That’s so pretty!
Julie Oldfield12-Sep-2024 02:05
Exquisite! V
Walter Otto Koenig11-Sep-2024 17:10
Very nice! Love the tones! "V"
Alain Boussac11-Sep-2024 14:23
A close-up of a sumptuous beauty. BV.
bill friedlander11-Sep-2024 14:16
Another dimension to flower photography. V
joseantonio11-Sep-2024 03:16
gorgeous image with those tones.V.
globalgadabout11-Sep-2024 01:42
from the particular to the cosmic..
Carl Carbone11-Sep-2024 00:52
Tangerine dream! Very cool.
larose forest photos11-Sep-2024 00:24
Dreamy and beautiful! V
Helen Betts11-Sep-2024 00:20
Another beautiful capture in this excellent series. I'd love to see more of this creative work!
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