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Don Mottershead | all galleries >> Mini-galleries >> Bouquets from Dirtco >
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Dan Greenberg16-Sep-2024 23:08
The texture overlay was a great idea for this. Gorgeous! ~VVV~
larose forest photos06-Sep-2024 17:49
This is a gorgeous colour display, ready to frame! V
Julie Oldfield06-Sep-2024 01:31
It appears to be raining. So lovely. V
Apostolos Tikopoulos05-Sep-2024 20:34
Brilliant details and sharpness. V
bill friedlander05-Sep-2024 14:04
Love all the wonderful colors. V
janescottcumming05-Sep-2024 11:32
A delight to see! V
joseantonio05-Sep-2024 03:14
looks amazing with those colors.V.
Helen Betts04-Sep-2024 23:44
Love this creative capture of these beautiful flowers.
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