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Don Mottershead | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Mini-galleries tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


Wood and Light
:: Wood and Light ::
A Museum in Sidney, B.C.
:: A Museum in Sidney, B.C. ::
PhotoFunia with Mr. D.
:: PhotoFunia with Mr. D. ::
:: Power ::
Waiting for my car to be fixed
:: Waiting for my car to be fixed ::
:: Bottleology ::
5 p.m. Ferry
:: 5 p.m. Ferry ::
Mall Walk
:: Mall Walk ::
:: Glass ::
Bouquets from Dirtco
:: Bouquets from Dirtco ::
Ferns in the Fall
:: Ferns in the Fall ::
West Coast Images
:: West Coast Images ::
A glass of milk
:: A glass of milk ::
Esplanande Park
:: Esplanande Park ::
Layered Images
:: Layered Images ::
Simple Machines
:: Simple Machines ::
Three Performers
:: Three Performers ::
Aladdin and the Genie
:: Aladdin and the Genie ::
Roxie and Velma
:: Roxie and Velma ::
Halloween Actors
:: Halloween Actors ::
Pherdey's Big Adventure
:: Pherdey's Big Adventure ::
:: Excess ::
The Path
:: The Path ::
Does your point-and-shoot drive you crazy?
:: Does your point-and-shoot drive you crazy? ::
:: Cinderella ::
Two Portraits
:: Two Portraits ::
The Eight Stages of Awakening
:: The Eight Stages of Awakening ::
The Light in Room 110
:: The Light in Room 110 ::
Camera Shake
:: Camera Shake ::
Fuji Film Simulations
:: Fuji Film Simulations ::
TV is for morons like me
:: TV is for morons like me ::
It don't mean a thing...
:: It don't mean a thing... ::
Mister D at Elk Falls
:: Mister D at Elk Falls ::
Mister J
:: Mister J ::
My Better Half
:: My Better Half ::
The Vibe from the White House
:: The Vibe from the White House ::
:: Springtime ::
Brolly Box
:: Brolly Box ::
Two pics on the ferry
:: Two pics on the ferry ::
Two Covid Self Portraits
:: Two Covid Self Portraits ::
:: Framed ::
Two Dead Flies
:: Two Dead Flies ::
House light
:: House light ::
Fujifilm X100 Sample Images
:: Fujifilm X100 Sample Images ::
:: Masts ::
Room 421
:: Room 421 ::
For real
:: For real ::
Western Pacific
:: Western Pacific ::
Watch the road!
:: Watch the road! ::
In a Hindu Temple
:: In a Hindu Temple ::
Noon hour stroll, June 25, 2009
:: Noon hour stroll, June 25, 2009 ::
First Christmas on Quadra
:: First Christmas on Quadra ::
South Pacific
:: South Pacific ::
Pandemic Reading
:: Pandemic Reading ::