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DTP2020 | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Tea Roots - Art, Culture & Word tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Tea Roots - Art, Culture & Word

Tea Roots is a San Francisco/Oakland Bay Area arts production 501(c)3 non-profit organization aimed at promoting diversity and empowering social change through the arts.

For volunteer opportunities or inquiries please contact us at
:: DOD2019 ::
EvE at Temescal Studios, Oakland
:: EvE at Temescal Studios, Oakland ::
EvE Poetry and Spoken Word 3/16/19
:: EvE Poetry and Spoken Word 3/16/19 ::
EvE - Artist's Panel Talk 3/9/19
:: EvE - Artist's Panel Talk 3/9/19 ::
Rag#9 at Vesuvio Cafe SF 3/4/19
:: Rag#9 at Vesuvio Cafe SF 3/4/19 ::
EvE - Opening Reception at Art Murmur 3/1/19
:: EvE - Opening Reception at Art Murmur 3/1/19 ::
12/5/16 WATER Stage 3 - Art Installation
:: 12/5/16 WATER Stage 3 - Art Installation ::
10/20/16 WATER Stage 2 - Meet the Artists
:: 10/20/16 WATER Stage 2 - Meet the Artists ::
10/7/16 WATER Stage 2 - Opening Reception
:: 10/7/16 WATER Stage 2 - Opening Reception ::
10/4/16 WATER Stage 2 - Art Installation
:: 10/4/16 WATER Stage 2 - Art Installation ::
2/20/16 LITTLE BOXES - Chinese New Year Event
:: 2/20/16 LITTLE BOXES - Chinese New Year Event ::
AB13 10-28-13
:: AB13 10-28-13 ::