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Fine Art Portraiture + Events + Architecture & Interiors

Pro-bono photographer for

Contact (415)863-9673 or photobydp
for licensing use, print orders, or 10MP high resolution images.
All images 2012 Copyright David T. Pang
Tea Roots - Art, Culture & Word
:: Tea Roots - Art, Culture & Word  ::
Tea Party Magazine and other Art & Word...Live!
:: Tea Party Magazine and other Art & Word...Live! ::
:: Portraiture ::
Shotwell 50 Studio (S50S)
:: Shotwell 50 Studio (S50S) ::
Social Events
:: Social Events ::
Leaders & Volunteers for Social Justice
:: Leaders & Volunteers for Social Justice ::
:: Weddings ::
Architecture & Interiors
:: Architecture & Interiors ::
:: Travel ::
Chaguitillo Children in Nicaragua Benefit 2/6/07
:: Chaguitillo Children in Nicaragua Benefit 2/6/07 ::
Benefit, BBQ & Concert 10/7/07
:: Benefit, BBQ & Concert 10/7/07 ::