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DTP2020 | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Weddings tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


Weddings, birthdays, holidays, or other events affect us deeply in our lives. We want to share our best candid or portrait moments with friends and family. To demonstrate the quality of my work, the following portfolios are not "photoshopped". These are images direct from the camera. Bridal and costume couture design and props are available. Let us collaborate together regarding any contemporary or traditional settings.
David T. Pang (415)863-9673
Linda & Samuel Wedding in Oakland
:: Linda & Samuel Wedding in Oakland ::
Ayden & Robert Wedding
:: Ayden & Robert Wedding ::
Joyce Wang & Raymond Pon
:: Joyce Wang & Raymond Pon ::
Weddings Misc. & Memorable Events
:: Weddings Misc. & Memorable Events ::
Czar Jack Lapidos & Czarina Lisa Bruce
:: Czar Jack Lapidos & Czarina Lisa Bruce ::