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AB13 10-28-13

PICTURE #5: Group photo in waiting room of Radio Valencia in Mission SF, featuring (from left to right) J.Ha (AB Poetry Co-Curator), Julie Anderson (Chatterbox International, Founder of, Ethel Merman (unmasked), David "Elaine" Alt (Jazz Combustion Uprising, Dana Marek (Shotwell 50 Gallery,, Noah Shussett (local Mission SF Poet), and David T. Pang (not pictured, AB Poetry Co-Curator,
AB'13 @RadioVal. 01.JPG
AB'13 @RadioVal. 01.JPG
AB'13 @RadioVal. 02.JPG
AB'13 @RadioVal. 02.JPG
AB'13 @RadioVal. 05.JPG
AB'13 @RadioVal. 05.JPG
AB'13 @RadioVal. 06.JPG
AB'13 @RadioVal. 06.JPG
AB'13 @RadioVal. 08.JPG
AB'13 @RadioVal. 08.JPG
AB'13 @RadioVal. 09.JPG
AB'13 @RadioVal. 09.JPG
AB'13 @RadioVal. 10.JPG
AB'13 @RadioVal. 10.JPG
AB'13 @RadioVal. 12.JPG
AB'13 @RadioVal. 12.JPG
AB'13 @RadioVal. 13.JPG
AB'13 @RadioVal. 13.JPG
AB'13 @RadioVal. 14.JPG
AB'13 @RadioVal. 14.JPG
AB'13 @RadioVal. 18.JPG
AB'13 @RadioVal. 18.JPG
AB'13 @RadioVal. 19.JPG
AB'13 @RadioVal. 19.JPG