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Langston DNA Surname Project

Learn more about BigY testing:
NMGS Quarterly Talks: Lee Martinez: "Enabling the genealogy citizen scientist" New Mexico Genealogical Society

For new orders use this link for discounted upgrades order from your FTDNA account using retained sample.

Project needs more BigY Upgrades or new BigY members: Project needs more BigY Upgrades or new BigY members: For upgrades just login to your FTDNA account and select the upgrades. To order a new test you can use this link:

BigY Group Tree:,28019,32469 (select your group/s on the left)

August 2023: Select GlobeTrekker in Discover Reports.
Globetrekker estimates geographical ancestor locations and migrations across the world based on the largest database of high-coverage Y-DNA sequences, ancient DNA results from archaeological remains, and user-reported ancestral locations.

NEW: July 2023
The New Globetrekker Feature Will Also Use Earliest Known Ancestor Locations
Big Y testers will be able to trace the paths of their ancestors with the new Globetrekker in Discover. UPDATE YOUR Earliest Known Ancestor, this feature only works if it is entered correctly.

For upgrades just login to your FTDNA account and select the BigY to the right of your older Y12, Y37, Y67, Y111 test. To order a new test you can use this link:

OCT 23, 2022: Advances in YDNA Testing (BigY SNP Testing):
Older Y-DNA37-111 test can be upgraded (Best test is Y700, only males have YDNA)
Order NOW or login to upgrade:

DNA Surname Project: Training Guides
DNA Results Page

Langston Research: LangThomp1.htm
Bible Records: Absolom Langston d. 1802 and wife Dolly d. 1820
Langston Surname History
Langston Surname History
Langston DNA Project Group 1
:: Langston DNA Project Group 1 ::
Langston DNA Project Group 2
:: Langston DNA Project Group 2 ::
Langston DNA Project Group 3
:: Langston DNA Project Group 3 ::
Langston DNA Project Group 4
:: Langston DNA Project Group 4 ::
 Langston DNA Project  Group Other
::  Langston DNA Project Group Other ::
Langston Family Land Records
:: Langston Family Land Records ::
William G. Langston - Family
:: William G. Langston - Family ::
Anglo-Saxon England 830AD
Anglo-Saxon England 830AD
Nansemond Co. VA Map Precincts 1743
Nansemond Co. VA Map Precincts 1743
Nansemond Co. VA Map abt. 1750
Nansemond Co. VA Map abt. 1750
Jackson Co Langston, AL abt 1850
Jackson Co Langston, AL abt 1850
Wayne Co. NC Map 1863
Wayne Co. NC Map 1863
Wayne CO. NC Map 1895 (Boyett, NC)
Wayne CO. NC Map 1895 (Boyett, NC)
Langston's in Chickasaw Nation, Thackerville, IT
Langston's in Chickasaw Nation, Thackerville, IT
J. U. Langston Letter 1903
J. U. Langston Letter 1903
George W. Boyett Letter 1908
George W. Boyett Letter 1908
George W. Boyett Letter 1908 Pg 2
George W. Boyett Letter 1908 Pg 2
Uncle John U. Langston & Aunt  Florence Dalton Langston
Uncle John U. Langston & Aunt Florence Dalton Langston
Love Co, Thackerville, OK
Love Co, Thackerville, OK
John Langston and Susan Adams
John Langston and Susan Adams
Langston Family of Love County Oklahoma
Langston Family of Love County Oklahoma
Thackerville IT Langston Family
Thackerville IT Langston Family
Langston Tuscaloosa Co AL
Langston Tuscaloosa Co AL
Langston - Wayne Co NC - Nansemond
Langston - Wayne Co NC - Nansemond
Betty Parker Grommesh
Betty Parker Grommesh
Thackerville HS 1930
Thackerville HS 1930
Tim Langston (Research Letter)
Tim Langston (Research Letter)
Hiram Langston 1850 Census Jackson Co AL.jpg
Hiram Langston 1850 Census Jackson Co AL.jpg
Uriah Langston - Wayne Co NC - 1835 Will Pg1 of 5
Uriah Langston - Wayne Co NC - 1835 Will Pg1 of 5
Uriah Langston - Wayne Co NC - 1835 Will Pg2 of 5
Uriah Langston - Wayne Co NC - 1835 Will Pg2 of 5
Uriah Langston - Wayne Co NC - 1835 Will Pg3 of 5
Uriah Langston - Wayne Co NC - 1835 Will Pg3 of 5
Uriah Langston - Wayne Co NC - 1835 Will Pg4 of 5
Uriah Langston - Wayne Co NC - 1835 Will Pg4 of 5
Uriah Langston - Wayne Co NC - 1835 Will Pg5 of 5
Uriah Langston - Wayne Co NC - 1835 Will Pg5 of 5
Will of Mary Langston, 1844 Wayne Co NC
Will of Mary Langston, 1844 Wayne Co NC
Will of Jacob Langston 1784 Wayne Co NC
Will of Jacob Langston 1784 Wayne Co NC
Unknown Photo - Bible of William D. Langston (AR or OK)
Unknown Photo - Bible of William D. Langston (AR or OK)
France 1453 -  UT.ed
France 1453 - UT.ed
France 1585-1598 (Religion)
France 1585-1598 (Religion)
UK Map
UK Map
Solomon Langston & Harriett Compton
Solomon Langston & Harriett Compton
Solomon Langston & James Compton
Solomon Langston & James Compton