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Boyt H2 Egypt Timeline H2 Mummy

H-P96 > Z19080 Egypt > SK1180 > Z19072 > FT362000* Ireland, France > Z19089 Sardinia > Z19049 Italy > SK1182 > Y20839 > Y21630 > BY40831* > Y21598 > BY37186 UK > BY37188 UK > FT359938* UK > BY37194 US *=branch

Note: The timeline in Egypt is much more recent than the Hap H Z19080 reported by BigY testing. The H2 found in Ireland, France and Sardinia also pre-dates: Nakht-Ankh from Shashotep, Egypt. He lived sometime between 1991 BCE – 1802 BCE. He was the son of the Lady Khnum-Aa, and the older brother of Khnum-Nakht. He's Y-DNA H-Y21618* and mtDNA M1a1* + G8251A, G16145A.

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