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David Boyett | profile | all galleries >> Boyt/Boyte/Boyett/e DNA Surname Project >> Boyt-Boyette DNA Surname Group 2 >> Boyt, Haviland, Cockram and Pitt Families of Isle of Purbeck, Dorset >> Boyt YDNA H2 (US and UK Results) BigY Y700 >> Haplogroup H2 SNP History tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Haplogroup H2 SNP History

Boyt: Rare YDNA: Haplogroup H2 H-BY37194 US
H-P96 > Z19080 Egypt > SK1180 > Z19072 > FT362000* Ireland, France > Z19089 Sardinia > Z19049 Italy > SK1182 > Y20839 > Y21630 > BY40831* > Y21598 > BY37186 UK > BY37188 UK > FT359938* UK > BY37194 US *=branch
Hap H2 Map:,17.6&zoom=3
Nakht-Ankh (SNP H-Z19080 age 3,829) 27.1°N,31.175°E Deir Derenkah, Asyut, Assiut Governorate, Egypt

Journal of Archaeological Science: The kinship of two 12th Dynasty mummies revealed by ancient DNA sequencing

Konstantina Drosoua, Campbell Priceb, Terence A. Browna,⁎
Manchester Institute of Biotechnology, School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Manchester, Manchester M1 7DN, UK Manchester Museum, University of Manchester, Manchester M13 9PL, UK (Volume 17, February 2018, Pages 793-797)
Rifeh or Deir Rifeh is a village in Egypt. The name refers today most often to a series of ancient Egyptian cemeteries nearby. These are the burial grounds of the ancient town Shashotep. The cemeteries date from the end of the First Intermediate Period to the Roman Period. Nakht-Ankh is one of two brothers, likely highly placed local officials. Ancient H-Z19080 SNP Haplogroup YDNA Deir Rifeh cemetery, Middle Egypt
Coffin of Nekht-Ankh (Acc. 4739) This coffin is from the 12th Dynasty Tomb of the Two Brothers in Rifeh, Middle Egypt. It was donated in 1907 to the Manchester Museum by the British School of Archaeology in Egypt. It is the wooden inner coffin of a man named Nekht-Ankh, and is 161cm in length. This coffin was designed to lie inside the rectangular outer coffin (acc. 4724). The face of the coffin is painted black, a reference to the god of the dead Osiris. Osiris was often shown with green or black skin because he was an agricultural god as well--black refers to the rich silt deposited on fields by the Nile flood, and green reflects the growth of new crops.
Coffin of Khnum-Nakht (Acc. 4740) Most tombs from ancient Egypt were robbed soon after they were sealed. The complete tomb group of the Two Brothers is one of the few found untouched. This is the wooden inner coffin of a man named Khnum-Nakht, from the 'Tomb of the Two Brothers'. It measures 162cm in length. This coffin was designed to lie inside the rectangular outer coffin (acc, 4725). The face of the coffin is painted yellow, which may refer to the shining appearance of gods and the honored dead.
The tomb of two brothers, publication date 1910
by Murray, Margaret Alice
Nekht-Ankh (H-Z19080) and Khnum-Nakht
Nekht-Ankh (H-Z19080) and Khnum-Nakht
H-Z19080 Egypt Nakht-Ankh
H-Z19080 Egypt Nakht-Ankh
Nakht-Ankh Egypt
Nakht-Ankh Egypt
Egypt Cemetery H-Z19080
Egypt Cemetery H-Z19080
Egypt Cemetery H-Z19080
Egypt Cemetery H-Z19080
Nakht-Ankh YDNA H-Z19080
Nakht-Ankh YDNA H-Z19080
Boyt:YDNA H2 SNP Line
Boyt:YDNA H2 SNP Line
Boyt Ancient YDNA SNP Map
Boyt Ancient YDNA SNP Map
Boyt H2 Egypt Timeline H2 Mummy
Boyt H2 Egypt Timeline H2 Mummy